The Temple of Talamonaccio, was built by the Etruscans in the IV century. B.C. in honor of the god Tinia and a goddess, but for which we do not know the name. Was more than 20 meters long, 12 meters wide and 4 meters high. A staircase lead us to the Pronao where they were 4 columns, behind which opened the cell that housed the statue of the deity. The front of the temple faced the sea, and the whole building rested on a stone base whose remains are still visible. You can also see the foundations of some of the columns, the partial remains of the cell, the ruins of the sacred and the tank on the left side. The Temple of Talamonaccio probably was destroyed and burned in the first century BC during the struggle between Sulla and Marius. The discovery was the case in 1889 during the construction of a military fort, although the campaign of excavations took place only between 1962 and 1969.
The most beautiful and important thing about this temple that has come down to us, is the magnificent façade, known as Fronton of Talamone. This splendid ornamentation was placed on the back side of the temple and represented the myth of the Seven against Thebes.
It is currently preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Florence.