The Forest Reserve “Duna Feniglia” Protection, occupies a 474-hectare strip of flat land between the Orbetello lagoon in the north and the Tyrrhenian Sea to the south, joining the Argentario peninsula, near Porto Ercole, with the hill of Ansedonia ..
In 1971 the Duna Feniglia was declared a Forest Reserve Protection, because of the important function of barrier to erosion exerted by the winds of the sea.
The morphology is typical of sandy coast environments, with dune belt and behind the dunes environment where sometimes there are areas subject to temporary flooding.

How to visit the area: In the reserve is free access on foot and by bicycle. Guided tours are carried out by forestry groups staff, previously authorized by territorial biodiversity of Follonica – Tel. 0566 40019 Fax 0566 40611
Visitor Services: Inside the reserve, at the lagoon there are several ornithological observatories to scholars and visitors service. a jogging path “policrosalus” along the central street has recently been installed and has been made an educational nature trail for the blind.
Scientific research: In the reserve were performed research in the field of forestry and forest plant pathology, on the coastal geomorphology, as well as dissertation on forest issues.