Of Etruscan origin, as evidenced by the burial discovered in the vicinity of the village, Proceno was founded by Porsenna in the 6th century B.C.
In the High Middle Ages it was part of the marquisate of Tuscany (Century X) and was inherited by the church after the death of Matilda of Canossa in 1115.
This town was Subjected to the municipality of Siena at the end of the 14th century, when it belonged to the family of the Sforza.
Monuments and places of interest
- The parish church of St. Agnes and that of Santa Maria del Giglio, with remains of original structures and interesting altars and decorations from the sixteenth century onwards.
- Less altered in its simple arched structure, but in a state of abandonment, it is the Church of San Martino, with wasted remnants of a large fresco decoration.
- The oldest nucleus has numerous medieval buildings, largely demolished or remodelled, among which emerges the fortress, with towers where in the course of the centuries were hosted philosophers like Galileo Galilei
- There are also numerous buildings with Renaissance characteristics, including the Palazzo Sforza, erected in the first half of the sixteenth century.