Category: 5. History, Art and Culture

Saline Fort house

Forte delle Saline is a fortified structure built by the Sienese in the fifteenth century (the project of 1469) as amended and expanded by the Spanish in 1630. The fort was used to control...

Rocca San Silvestro

The castle was constrcuted between the Xth and XIth century when the Gherardesca decided to fully exploit the mineral resources of the area. From this period date back the first traces of fortifications: the residence of the...


This beautiful medieval town, whose origins date back to the year 1000,is  nestled on the slopes of the hills overlooking the sea and the coast of the Etruscans, in the Green Valley crossed by Cornia,...

Baratti Archaeological Park

 It stretches between the slopes of the promontory of Piombino and the Gulf of Baratti, where is situated the Etruscan and Roman city of Populonia, known since antiquity for its intense metallurgical activity linked...

Manciano Fortress

Remodeled over the years the Fortress is an embattled building that rises over an impressive base shoe. It is supposed that its construction should be attributed to the Aldobrandeschi around the twelfth century,but is...

San Bruzio Abbey

The remains of the church, which had been built around 1000 by Benedictine and completed towards the end of the twelfth century, is characterised by an apse, by the eastern walls of the transept...