The biotope of the Trasubbie torrent is a protected natural area centered around the confluence of Trasubbie and Trasubbino, extending for about 5 km downstream of it and about 8 km upstream along the riverbed of the Trasubbino, in a range altitudinal between 250 and 110 m A.S.L. , in the municipality of Scansano. The riverbeds of the two streams are very wide and have geomorphological characteristics and floristic vegetation very peculiar, as well as a level of integrity so high as to make it one of the most interesting sites in the province of Grosseto from the point of view Bioecologico. Herbaceous-Shrubal plant communities are a pioneer of large, pebble and arid greti torrential, very rich in species, cenologicamente and structurally singular for their “savanoide” appearance. They are distributed on wide spaces with low anthropic interference, on terraces with different degree of humidity, stabilization of the substrate and of pedogenetica evolution. Along the banks and in the dead of the stream there are also several species of humid environment.

The biotope appears among the sites of regional interest such as SIR B22 “Torrent Trasubbie” (IT51A0103), of 1,381.7 hectares, and is currently studied in detail for both the plant and animal component.
The area in particular that we recommend you to visit is a Ford with the stream on the provincial road SP24, in the direction of Polveraia. It is wonderful to visit it either on foot or by bike by road or mountain bike; The most daring can reach it quietly along the SP159 towards Arcille and then Baccinello.
During rainy times the road is flooded with water and is a very fascinating place: here a cliff of red sandstone land is thrown on the valley, in ravines carved by water.