The environment of the reserve of touches is typical of Tuscan hill, with uneven terrain and rolling hills crossed by short rivers that flow into the Vermillion, in the ditch Macinaio and into the ditch of the blades. More than half of the area is covered with forests of pine, with undergrowth formed by vegetation xerophile (Ericaceous, common Juniper, mock PRIVET and Arbutus).
In small areas the pure pine forest is replaced almost entirely by various formations, like the manna ash, chestnut, hornbeam, oak, downy oak, Hazel. Il leccio is massively only in one area, in the locality. Ferraia, in association with Strawberry, mock PRIVET, Myrtle and cork oak. Along the ditch Flounces are specimens of beech, which here constitute an interesting glacial wreckage. Site of great importance for the conservation of the Otter, whose presence has been reported at least until 1992. Many mammals, including the marten, wild cat, wild boar, roe deer, porcupines, badgers, Fox. Among the birds, we find the short-toed eagle, the honey buzzard, sparrowhawk, buzzard, the horned owl, wood pigeon, the whippoorwill, a stiff neck, the green woodpecker, the crested Lark, the Woodlark, the Dipper, the mistle thrush, the Dartford Warbler, the coal tit, the oriole, the shrike, Woodchat Shrike and the red kite (reintroduced).